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Living with a Portuguese Water Dog is an amazing, magical adventure.
We just want you to be prepared for the adventure part.

If you want a dog that ...


  • Requires regular and extensive grooming

  • Demands attention, mental stimulation, and exercise

  • Challenges your will

  • Needs training and human contact

  • Thinks independently

  • Voices its opinion--often and loudly

  • Greets friends and family with unbridled enthusiasm


...the Portuguese Water Dog may be right for you.

Or, if you'd prefer a dog that ...


  • Requires minimal grooming

  • Needs little or no attention or exercise

  • Requires little mental stimulation

  • Is very obedient in nature

  • Enjoys a sedentary lifestyle

  • Blends into the woodwork

  • Occasionally jumps, licks, and wags its tail


...the Portuguese Water Dog is NOT right for you.

Please Note:   The information on this page is from the PWDCA website:


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